Thursday, September 6, 2012



It was my 35th birthday.  Around me stood my husband of ten years, my nearly four-year-old, nearly three-year-old, and my fourteen-month-old.  "Make a wish, mommy!  Make a wish!" were the cries of the little ones.  As I watched the flickering candles and listened to the noise, I quipped, "I know what NOT to wish for!"  Taking in a deep breath I blew out all but one of the candles.  A week later I knew that my wish would not be coming true this year...I was pregnant once again.

Overwhelmed would not be an adequate word to describe what I felt.  Granted, hormones were at peak levels, but I spent the next three days crying and telling God that He could not possibly know what He had signed me up for.  I even pondered the verse, "He was in all points tempted, even as we are." and thought, yeah, right, I'm not buying it.

By God's grace, my sense of humor took over, and I began to look at things a little differently.  I won't tell you it was a major change of attitude, as I kept remarking "that's all I need is one more toddler to pull out of things!!".  But I was heading in the right direction.  So I sat down and penned this poem.  It became my "announcement" to friends and family who would be frowning at our reproductive habits.  (And we did get lectured, by the way!).   Enjoy—

We got the news the other day, another baby's on the way
If you're surprised, well so are we.  Ourselves, we were content with three.
But God had other plans in store, Our children, soon, will number four.
What's more our baby will arrive before the oldest one turns five.
One more carseat, one more bed!  Such thoughts run rampant in my head.
Another year of little sleep, while I, my midnight vigil keep.
My weight loss plans I must postpone—my body's once again on loan.
And yet, you'll find no sadness here;  some panic, yes, but not a tear.
In fact, it's hard to hide the smile; For I know in just awhile
Our Father's sending from above Another child for us to love.
And though budget's now too small, you won't find us upset at all.
Far greater than a cache of gold is the child we soon shall hold.
The fruit of the womb is His reward, so join us as we praise the Lord.

Mary Fuller (May 97)

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