Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ears to Hear

Sometimes God's message to you ends up coming from your own mouth. We need to listen as well as we tell. Case in point (Conversation with Brooke this morning about what she will do when she gets back to the states to prepare to return to India full time):

(Brooke) As of now, I am a zoo animal...I can't say anything and I have to rely on someone else to feed me and when I go out people take pictures of me but knowing the language changes everything. I don't know...Ugh.

I'm frustrated and I don't know how to do what ever it is I'm supposed to do

(Me) Well, first of all, you have to be where you are. You already have something to do. And you need to do it well, do it faithfully. As you are faithful, God will give you more responsible things to do.

(Brooke) Ok. Yeah, you're right.

(Me) The frustration is a tool  of the enemy to keep you distracted and discontent. So fight your enemy. Know that God already knows the what and when. You simply have to follow.

(Brooke) I will. Thanks momma. I think I'd die if internet wasn't a thing in India. 

I'm late for prayer!!! I need to go. I love you mom. 

So umm, yeah. Frustration is a tool of the enemy to keep you distracted and discontent. Fight your enemy. Know that God already knows the what and the when. Be where you are. Be faithful. 

I think I'll go swallow the big pill I set in front of myself today...(gulp)

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